Name: C’est la Vie (Zen)
Reg nr: :SPRBOC000014
Breed: Border Collie
Born: 16.12.17
Sex: Male
Breeder: Manca Mikec, Slovenia
52 cm
16 kg
Agility: A3, Jump3, national team Nordic championship 2021, team silver Nordic championship 2021, national team Nordic championship and AWC 2022

Zen is orginially from Slovenia, and came home to Norway in 2017. As a puppy he was easy going and was quickly named “My shadow”, since he followed me everywhere. Zen loves the ladies (especially shelties), food and swimming, but not particularly fond of flies, birds or children. In training he is as close to a perfectionist a dog can be, and has so much power. He is probably a so called “once in a lifetime dog”, and I enjoy every second we run together.

An added bonus is that he is a super patient and kind “big brother” (even though he is technically the uncle) to Neo, and has really taken the little one under his wings.